Sunday, July 27, 2008


OK, guys, in response to the deluge of emails I have received I am taking a huge risk in publishing the product of my internet research on signs that a female might, repeat, might be a lurking Feminazi. In taking this bold move I know I am putting myself at risk from the hordes of feminists out here in cyberspace, but it is a risk I am willing to take so that you, my faithful readers, can be informed.

In this regard, all I am doing is reporting - it is up to you to decide. You will note, if you carefully read the rest of this posting, that no where does it say that the “she” you are testing has to meet X-number(s) before you can label her a Feminazi. That criteria is left up to you, so ... let’s do it --
Signs “She” Might Be A FeminazI - SHE:

1. Thinks all males have it "easier" than females

2. Is a proponent of Selective Service aka the Universal Draft, for men only.

3. Feels that husbands should "obey" their wives in opposite-sex marriages

4. Assumes that all men are pigs

5. Thinks her sexual purpose on this Earth is to make men cum before they want to.

6. Believes a fair divorce settlement is an ex-husband transferring a majority of his income to his ex-wife, despite which ex-spouse earns more

6. Knows women should rule the world

7. Asserts that women hold "superior" intuition and judgment compared to men

8. Maintains that kicking males in the nuts (or seeing males get kicked in the nuts) gives her recreational thrills, bordering on orgasmic.

9. Believes that young boys should be arbitrarily held back one year later than young girls for entering Kindergarten

10. Advocates that all males should be locked up or shipped off to an island during puberty, adolescence, and/or early post-adulthood

11. Maintains that sperm production is the prime purpose that males serve

12. Assumes that gay men are "pathetic weaklings who don't have the balls to confront their feelings for women"

13. Fervently believes the ideal scenario in any opposite-sex marriage is when the female spouse is "the head of the house"

14. Has no sympathy for males' medical burdens (i.e., erectile disfunctions, colon cancer, prostate cancer, severe acne, vasectomies, penile infections/complications, teen/adult circumcisions)

15. Argues with men just for the sake of arguing with men

16. Wants the 19th Amendment to be amended to stipulate that all male voters must take "intelligence tests" before being eligible to vote.

17. Deeply feels that Homer Simpson is an accurate representation of the average American male

18. Views men as dogs who need to be "trained" to heed every command of members of the female gender
Good luck in your investigations and “May The Force Be With You.”

Billi Pod

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