Sunday, December 19, 2010

Billi Pod Says==>Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell<==Good Riddance

The New York Philharmonic Orchestra’s performance of THE MESSIAH last night, with a 50+ person chorus, was simply awesome in all aspects.

At intermission I saw the breaking news reports about the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” I shared this information with those seated around me and everyone, and I mean everyone, was simply elated and this made Billi Pod’s evening even more special. It took way way too long to finally do the right thing, but at least now it is done.

This afternoon Billi Pod will be a semi-couch potato to watch the Giants/Eagles game and then the Jets/Steelers game.

Tonight’s entertainment event --

7:00==>DRACULA - “A classic Gothic drama about the power of seduction and the nature of true love.”

It is in early previews, stars Broadway actor George Hearn and is playing at a theater on my block, The Little Shubert, one of my least favorite Off Broadway venues. Yeah, I have some deep misgivings about this show, but will go in with the usual open-mind.

So, let me close, my loyal and faithful readers, with --

Musings from THE MIND OF BILLI POD (a memoir in progress):

“Stephen Hawking still uses an abacus.”


Billi Pod

“Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.”

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