Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Countdown to DC Begins!!

The countdown to RALLY TO RESTORE SANITY and MARCH TO KEEP FEAR ALIVE begins and with each passing moment Billi Pod gets more and more excited. Interestingly, both events were the core of today’s New York Times crossword puzzle.

Thus far the weather predictions are for clear and cool weather and we will just have to keep our fingers crossed that it will stay that way.

There is an article in this morning’s New York Post that 508 Porta-potties have been ordered by the rally sponsor, Comedy Central, and according to the article, that extrapolates to an estimated attendance of 150,000.

There is, of course, a FaceBook page devoted to the rally http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=118856078167623

and a lot of the recent postings have been about worries over how and where to recharge cellphones, something that has also crossed my mind. Any thoughts/suggestions my loyal and faithful readers?

Oh, a quick bit of baseball information==>The Yankees open the 2011 season at home on Thursday, March 31st against The Tigers and end the season on Wednesday, September 28th against The Rays in Tampa. Just thought you would like this in advance so you can mark your calendars and begin the countdown with moi.

Billi Pod’s report card on THE MEMORANDUM==>B-<==first preview performance so it was kinda loosie-goosie (when was the last time you saw/heard that phrase?), largely because the original lead actor left the show due to an auto accident 5 days ago and his replacement was struggling with lines. Lots of clever plot twists and turns make the show very much worth seeing.

Tonight’s entertainment event-7:00==>COLIN QUINN: LONG STORY SHORT-“the comic uses his articulate brand of humor to take his audience through an uproarious history of the world, in 75 minutes.” Broadway. This should be fun.


Billi Pod

“Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.” BMS-2

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