Monday, September 14, 2009

Beware and Be Alert. You are Warned!!

Good afternoon my loyal and faithful readers. I hope each of you and your families and friends had a wonderful weekend, I know that I certainly did, and I will post about that later on.

First of all, however, I want to call your attention to one of the dangers of the internet and the potential for loss of freedom that occurs occasionally to those of us bloggers who are willing to share our experiences and thoughts etc. with the world out there in cyberspace.

What am I talking about you are doubtlessly breathlessly asking? Well, this is it for those of us living in The Greatest City in The World -- there is a government-supported agency who monitors blogs such as mine in order to intrude on our daily comings and goings. This is the complete text of an email I received last week:


“Dear Sir:

It has come to the attention of the "So He Thinks He Can Call Himself A New Yorker" committee than no session of the U.S. Open Tennis is included in your current schedule. In particular a Night session. Please rectify this situation immediately and re-submit your application to us. Thank you.

MFPCB chairperson”


OMG!! I was stunned by this email for several reasons: (1) I had no clue what MFPCB stands for; (2) Why was a government agency monitoring my blog; and, (3) I had already filed the necessary disclaimer papers with City Hall.

Double OMG!! Was this an indication of a return to the Rudy Giuliani era??

I immediately shot off the following email response --


“Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for calling this “alleged” omission to my attention but I need to remind you of the provisions of Section 235(2)(z)iii which states: “If attending an event is likely to cause the attendee to experience discomfort akin to self-circumcision or a root-canal without anesthesia then the attendee may opt not to participate after filing a NOTIFICATION OF NON-PARTICIPATION." I have previously done this regarding any and all events tennis in nature.

Thank you so very much, however, for your concern.

Billi Pod”


I would have thought that this response would have ended it, but did it? No. Their “Chairperson” sent the following snarky response --


“Okay but did you have to rain out the final weekend of The Open?

XOXO The Committee”


I guess the bottom line is, my loyal and faithful readers, you never know when and where big government is lurking, so beware. But, never fear - Billi Pod will continue to write about things and stuff in The Big Apple on a fair and impartial basis. I will report and you, dear readers, will have to decide.

Much more to report later.

Go Yankees and Go Gators!!!

Billi Pod

“Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.”

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