Sunday==>Your favorite blogger has a great entertainment doubleheader scheduled for today here in The Big Apple, The Greatest City In The World, and the weather couldn’t be better==>blue skies, nice breeze and temperature of 75º @ 10:00am.
But, first, before details on the doubleheader, let’s get started with Billi Pod’s report card on the mess that was his entertainment event last night ...
MR. BURNS, A POST-ELECTRIC PLAY==>After the world is mostly destroyed, some survivors cling to their recollections of “The Simpsons” in order to cope==>C-
This show is done in a mind-numbing 3 acts, with one intermission, and the final product is disturbingly bad, with only mediocre acting.
I really wanted to like this show but when I finally processed my feelings I came to the conclusion that it sucks. Don’t get me wrong, I like “The Simpsons” but I’m not a fanatic like some of my seat mates were. Maybe I’m not “cool” enough to totally buy into the premise that recalling and then reenacting scenes from “The Simpsons” will help in surviving the apocalypse. The show just didn’t work for me.
I had a lot of theater buddies at the show==>Kim, Mary, Julie, Michael and Dennis and think they all shared my mixed feelings.
To those of you who disagree with my report card, Billi Pod says==>Don’t Have a Cow, Man! Ay Carumba! Cowabunga! Eat My Shorts. D’oh! Double D’oh!
You are so warned!!
Moving on ...
Today, my loyal and faithful readers and followers, your favorite blogger has what looks like a very interesting entertainment doubleheader ... first is ...
2:00==>BREAKFAST WITH MUGABE - “A drama Inspired by accounts that Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe, while severely depressed, sought treatment from a white psychiatrist.” (Off Broadway - discounted ticket)
This show is playing at The Pershing Square Signature Center one block West of my building, has a running time of 90 minutes, without intermission, and runs through October 6th.
When the show is over I will come back to PHC, have the usual pre-theater snack (fruit and cheese plate) and then head downtown to The East Village for my second show ...
7:00==>FETCH CLAY, MAKE MAN - “The improbable but true story about how Cassius Clay, the heavyweight boxing champion, forms an unlikely friendship with the controversial Hollywood star Stepin Fetchit.” (Off Broadway - complimentary ticket)
This show is directed by Tony Award winner Des McAnuff, is playing at the New York Theatre Workshop on East 4th Street in The East Village, has a running time of 2:30, with intermission, and runs through October 13th.
R.I.P JULIE HARRIS - “Julie Harris, one of Broadway's most honored performers, whose roles ranged from the flamboyant Sally Bowles in ‘I Am a Camera’ to the reclusive Emily Dickinson in ‘The Belle of Amherst,’ died Saturday. She was 87.”
“Harris won five Tony Awards for best actress in a play and was honored again with a sixth Tony, a special lifetime achievement award, in 2002.”
Moving on ...
Last night, down at that disgrace known as Tropicana Field, The Yankees hopes to earn a post season wild-card slot took a serious blow as our former ace CC Sabathia failed to hold on to a 2 run lead and we lost to The Rays by a score of 4-2. A real Bummer!!
This afternoon at 1:40pm is the final game of the 3-game series as The Wankies fight to avoid the sweep. On the mound for The Wankies will be Ivan Nova (7-4) vs. Alex Cobb (8-2) for The Rays.
Folks, this is a “must-win” game.
So ... on this happy note ...
Oh, yesterday was a totally unproductive walking day ...
Yesterday’s Pedometer mileage==>1.11 miles (or, 2,434 steps)
Total mileage since 7/1/13==>198.64 miles (average 3.61 miles per day)
Billi Pod
“Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.”
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