Thursday, August 21, 2008

What Has Happened to Us??

I just don’t understand, I really don’t. Tuesday evening I was in the Times Square area to pick up my subscription ticket for the 7:30pm performance of The Marriage of Bette & Boo. I had a little time to kill so I just walked around a bit. As a New Yorker I usually avoid the Times Square area during the height of tourist season, for obvious reasons.

The place was teeming with people, as I had expected, and that didn’t bother me. What bothered me was the massive number of obese people, males and females, who were waddling around with their also obese children in tow.

Don’t these people ever look in mirrors? Don’t they care about what they are doing to their own health and the health of future generations?

I actually stopped at a corner and counted the number of men over 40 who passed me. I counted for about 10 minutes and the results - 8 out of 10 guys over 40 had protruding potbellies. Gross!!

This is wrong America. Wake up before it is too late.

Sorry, I just had to rant.

Billi Pod

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