Sunday, August 24, 2008

More Reasons Why Males Are Happier Than Females

As many of you faithful readers no doubt remember, back on July 28th I posted the results of some extensive Internet research regarding the logical reasons why we males are happier in this World of ours than our female counterparts. I directed you to the acclaimed website: to post other reasons/factors and over 650 of you did, in fact, post additional reasons. After further review I have conclude that it is important to share this additional information with you, my faithful readers.

I also must unhappily report that the July 28th posting unleashed a torrent of virulent emails from the Feminazi clique, but, they will not and cannot stop me from my responsibility of continued Fair and Unbiased Reporting, so ...

Some additional reasons males are happier than females -

We know stuff about tanks.

Dry cleaners and hair cutters don't rob us blind.

We can go to the bathroom without a support group in tow.

We can leave the motel bed unmade.

We can kill our own food.

If we are 34 and single, nobody notices or cares.

We can quietly enjoy a car ride from the passenger's seat.

We don't have to cleanup if the meter-reader is coming.

We can quietly watch a game with a buddy for hours without ever thinking: “Why is he mad at me."

Gray hair and wrinkles only add character.

We can drop by to see a friend without bringing a little gift.

If another guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, we just might become lifelong friends.

Our pals will never trap us with: "So, notice anything different?"

Remember - I just report - you decide.

Billi Pod

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