Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Practice Child - Yankees/Houston Tonight

Tuesday==>It is a perfect summer day here in The Big Apple, The Greatest City In The World. At 11:30am we have azure blue skies, puffy clouds, a nice breeze coming off the Hudson River, and a temperature of 76º.

So ... let's get started with Billi Pod’s report card on last night’s entertainment event ...

The Fringe Festival show ...

THE PRACTICE CHILD, an eccentric manchild tries desperately to escape the shadow of his perfect younger brother in this offbeat comedy about love, poetry, fratricide, malignant brain tumors, senile neurosurgeons, astronaut sperm donors, and one seriously messed up family==>So-So.

I really wanted to like this show a lot more because it started off with a lot of gasp-inducing humor but as the story line developed it became more and more dark until it wasn’t funny at all. Yep ... funny had turned to sad, very sad.

When it was trying to work as a farcical comedy, then the totally implausible story line was acceptable ... but ... when it became a drama then the story line was swamped with reality as we in the audience kept telling ourselves: “selves, there is no way this could be happening in real life.”

The fact that the lead character, Bill, the brilliant younger brother, terrifically played by Dylan Travers, would allow his malignant brain tumor to be treated by a droolingly senile neurosurgeon is the most unbelievable premise of the entire show.

The thing that kept this show from earning a Thumbs Down rating was the stellar cast, which was uniformly excellent.

This so-called “comedy” is playing at the Sheen Center on Bleecker Street in The East Village, has a running time of 1:15, without intermission, and the remaining performance date is Thursday, August 21 @ 3:45pm.

I headed out for the show a bit early so I could have a nice walk and wander session in the Bowery area and it was very nice. This and the walking connected to my errands and chores day made for another 5-mile walking day. Not bad.

Now ... moving on to tonight’s entertainment event, which is ... tada ...

7:05==>YANKEES/HOUSTON @ Yankee Stadium, The House That Greed and Ego Built. (partial season ticket package)

On the mound for The Yankees (63-59) will be Chris Capuana (1-3) vs. Brett Oberholtzer (4-8) for The Astros (52-73).

If we have any hope of making the post-season we must sweep this series and the upcoming series against The Chicago White Sox.

I plan to head out to the stadium early so I can have a walk and wander session in The Bronx and then inside the stadium.

OK, time to post this and then spend most of the afternoon watching Little League World Series games ... 

Yesterday’s Pedometer mileage==>5.07 miles (or, 10,448 steps) 

Total mileage for 2014==>918.47 miles (average 3.99 miles per day)


Billi Pod
“Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.”

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