Friday, November 15, 2013

BRIGHT STARS ON BROADWAY==>Major Disappointment

Friday==>On this TGIF it is a beautiful Fall day here in The Big Apple, The Greatest City In The World. At 11:30am the temperature is 54º with moderate wind and mostly cloudy blue skies.

So ... let’s get this posting started with Billi Pod’s thoughts/comments on last night’s entertainment event ...

BRIGHT STARS ON BROADWAY @ Town Hall, a concert featuring a host of talent from the world of musical theatre==>A MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT.

I had an uneasy feeling in my gut about this show from the very beginning. When I was entering Town Hall it struck me that all of the staff looked unhappy. No one was smiling. They all looked very distracted. Then, when I was being seated the unhappy looking usher told me that there were no programs. WTF?

At the 8:00pm starting time there were lots and lots of empty seats in the orchestra area. It was only about 1/2 full. Not a good sign. My comp. seat in the orchestra was excellent.

The performers were OK but it felt as if they were just sleepwalking through the evening ... there was no oomph that I could detect.

As I posted yesterday, this program was patched together at the last minute to fill a void brought about by the cancellation of the solo evening with Tony winner Barbara Cook.

At intermission I seriously considered fleeing but opted to remain in hopes that the second half would be better. Well ... it wasn’t. It was blah too.

Actually, it is hard to write about because I have excised most of the event from my memory-bank.

Oh well ... as “they” say ... win some/lose some.

Moving on ...

As I am writing today’s posting my entertainment plans for this evening are in flux. I have a lot of shows to choose from and I haven’t made up my mind yet what I’m going to see/do.

One of my options is the just released documentary, DEAR MR. WATTERSON, about my favorite comic-strip “Calvin and Hobbs.”

I know I will see this, it is only a question of when. Right now it is only playing at the Cinema Village in the Union Square area.

Another option is a doubleheader ... first the 4:30pm showing of the movie KILL YOUR DARLINGS, with Daniel Radcliffe, at the Lincoln Center Theatre on West 65th Street ... and then ... up to 86th Street to the West End Theatre for the 8:00pm performance of the well-reviewed drama, PIRIRA.

Will post this and then keep working on my plans for this evening ... so ... stay tuned ... and ...


Yesterday’s Pedometer mileage==>2.84 miles (or, 6,206 steps)

Total mileage since 7/1/13==>465.45 miles (average 3.40 miles per day)


Billi Pod
“Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.”

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