Sunday, October 5, 2008

All Politicians Are Whores

Yes, I know that is a strong statement but before you tune me out, read my credentials and then judge --

I held my first elective office in the 7th grade and held other offices during high school, including a statewide office for Key Club International. As an undergraduate I was chairman of a campus political party. After graduation I was on the staff of a successful campaign for Governor of Florida and then served as an Administrative Assistant on the Governor’s staff.

In law school I was chairman of the student bar association and then after law school I become General Counsel to the Governor. Later I served on the campaign staff for an unsuccessful run for US Senate.

Before becoming a judge I was a lobbyist for the Florida citrus industry and as a judge I was elected Chief Judge for 3 terms and served as Chairman of the State Judicial Conference.

OK, enough about me - I just wanted to establish that I have experience being and dealing with politicians, and yes, I have worn the mantel of Whoredom myself, more times than I would like to admit.

So, you ask, what the fuck am I talking about? I am talking about Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ploy to change term limits so he can run for a third term, that’s what. He is seeking a vote by the New York City Counsel to do just that. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think he has done an outstanding job in the extremely difficult position as Mayor of the Greatest City in the World and I recognize that these are difficult, even scary, times. Rudy Giuliani made the same argument after 9/11/2001, but, ultimately no action was taken.

For the most part politicians are for term limits so long as the limits don’t effect them or their parties’ agenda. In New York City the people twice voted for term limits for all of the major elected political offices, limiting the office holder to two (2) four (4) year terms. Several years ago there was a movement to change the limits by a vote of the City Council (just like this current proposal) and Bloomberg’s response to that proposal was to call the attempt “disgusting.”

Oh, and speaking of opportunism - prior to his election as Mayor, Bloomberg was a life-long Democrat. He changed parties so he could have an easier path to City Hall. Last year, in order to distance himself from the debacle known as the Bush Administration, he changed his party affiliation to Independent. Nice.

There is legal precedent for the City Council to repeal or modify voter-imposed terms limits but I am certain there will be a legal battle to the bitter end.

And, folks, can there be any more whorish decision than John McCain’s decision to name Sarah “Madam Aw-Shucks Wink-Wink” Palin as his Vice-President? Come on now - do you REALLY believe she has the credentials to become President of the most powerful nation in the World? Be honest, do you? Don't shift focus to Obama or Biden, this once - just ask yourself about her - does she? In your heart you know the answer.

So, Mayor Mike, welcome to the Table of Whoredom. You will be seated next to Karl Rove, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain on your right and Bill Clinton, Elliot Spitzer and Ted Kennedy on your left. Oh, the old geezer across the table is “Boss” Tweed, you remember him don’t you? And, don't worry, there is a never-ending number of politicians who will be seated at the table with you in the future - you will have plenty of company.

Case closed.

I only report - you decide.

Billi Pod aka The Fair and Unbiased Reporter

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