Thursday==>It is very cold all over the Northeast, even down to the Sunshine State, so ... no need to bore you loyal and faithful readers and followers with a detailed weather report from The Big Apple, The Greatest City In The World ... it is just cold like every place else ...
So ... we will simply move on to Billi Pod’s report card on ...
Last night's Off Broadway show ...

This was a totally enjoyable evening of 6 divergent short plays that were funny, entertaining, often very profane but also thought-provoking.
For me the best was called “Soap Opera” and it was about the “relationship” between a repairman and a washing machine from his childhood.
The five person cast, Arnie Burton, Carson Elrod, Rick Holmes, Kelly Hutchinson and Liv Rooth is stellar as they move from one character to another between plays.
The almost full-house was very much into the performance and we gave the cast a roaring round of applause at curtain call.
Before the show I ran into my friend Kim and we were able to do some much needed catching up. He had an extra ticket so we were able to sit together for the show, on the first row, and that was nice.
Billi Pod says==>see this show, you won’t be disappointed.
It is playing at The Duke Theatre on West 42nd Street, has a running time of 2:00, with intermission, and runs through March 27th.
Now ... moving on to tonight’s entertainment event ...
The Off Broadway show ...

This show has generated very positive early buzz so I am looking forward to seeing it.
Luckily, the theater is only 4 short North/South blocks from my apartment building so I won’t be exposed to the frigid elements for very long.
This drama is playing at The Theatre at Saint Clements on West 46th Street, has a running time of 2:20, with intermission, and runs through March 28th.
Moving on to the sports scene ...

A-Rod will show up in the next couple of days and then the show will begin in earnest.
The first game is at 1:00pm on Tuesday, March 3rd, against the Phillies in Clearwater.
Billi Pod is definitely in the need for some baseball ... that is for sure.

OK ... I can hear the grumbling out there ... so ... here’s your weather update ... at 11:30am it is overcast with temperature of 20º, wind chill down to 5º.
Yesterday’s Pedometer mileage==>5.28 miles (or, 11,537 steps)
Total mileage for 2015==>203.10 miles (average 4.15 miles per day)
Billi Pod
“Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.”
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