Sunday==>It is another beautiful Fall day here in The Big Apple, The Greatest City In The World ... so ... let’s get today's posting started with your favorite blogger's report card on yesterday’s entertainment event ...

The show is very well acted with an interesting story line that, among other things, skewers local and national politicians and both political parties.
It would have gotten an even higher grade except for the annoying blocking that has the actors speaking important dialogue while their backs are turned to large portions of the audience. It is staged in the 3/4s round (if that makes any sense to you). I was on the side only 6 rows back and I had difficulty at times hearing/understanding. I had the same complaint about the other 2 shows in the Apple family series.
My theater buddies Dian Crystal aka My Lady, Kim, and Will MacAdam were also at the performance and they each gave it high marks.
The show is playing at The Public Theater downtown and has a running time of 1:40, without intermission.
When the show was over I originally thought that I would head over to the movie house on Houston Street to see the Daniel Radcliffe movie KILL YOUR DARLINGS, but as I was walking to the theater I suddenly felt the urge/need for some sports ... so ...
I came on back to the cozy confines of PHC and settled in front of the tube for college football and then game 3 of The World Series.
The South Carolina Gamecocks had an amazing double-overtime win over Missouri. Way to go ‘Cocks!!
As most of you sports fans know, game 3 of the FuckSox/Cardinals World Series was a real nail-biter with the Birds winning 5-4 in the bottom of the 9th on a controversial base running interference call. They now lead 2-1.
Now ... let’s move on to Billi Pod’s entertainment schedule for today ... which will be another doubleheader ... first is ...

This show is at The Studio of the Cherry Lane Theatre down in The West Village and has a running time of 55 minutes, without intermission.
When the show is over I will do some walking and wandering in The Village, including having a slice, because my second show is also at the same venue ...
7:00==>KYNUM - “To supplement his meager artistic life, Guy works graveyard shifts at the Hotel East Houston in New York City. Between the hours of 11pm and 7am, the hotel lobby transforms into a theater for Guy’s dreams. There he encounters his parents, Ma and Ba and their stories of sacrifice and survival during the Cambodian genocide. (Off Broadway - complimentary ticket)
This show is written and performed by Vichet Chum and is also at The Studio at the Cherry Lane Theatre. It has a running time of 90 minutes, with no intermission.
Both of these shows are part of The All for One Theater Festival which is dedicated to the advancement of solo performance. The Festival has been running since October 11th and runs through November 9th.
OK, my loyal and faithful readers and followers ... there you have it ...
Yesterday’s Pedometer mileage==>3.02 miles (or, 6,609 steps)
Total mileage since 7/1/13==>401.32 miles (average 3.40 miles per day)
Billi Pod
“Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.”
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