Monday, November 16, 2015

Update on Yet Another “Procedure.”

Monday==>A brief update from Winter Park.

On Friday I had the following outpatient procedure at Winter Park Memorial hospital: “Bilateral Nephrostomy Tube Placement with Stent(s).” I was zonked out and all sorts of things and stuff were inserted into each kidney, including tubes for bags to drain urine, if necessary.

Fortunately, the procedure was a success so I am not tied up to drainage bags, Thank You God!!

When it was completed Bill brought me back to the apartment. Frankly, I felt like and still feel like,  SHIT ... as if I had been kicked in the lower back multiple times.

On this Thursday morning I have a face-to-face appointment with my urologist, Thomas Cangiano, at his office way up in the Lake Mary area, to remove tubes and stuff and then begin addressing the remaining urinary blockage issue(s).

I am still having to self-catheterize.

My daughter Kathi Bendeck and her husband, Dr. John, of Columbia, SC, are due in the the Orlando area sometime tomorrow. I’m looking forward to seeing them, but, unfortunately, I’m not in the physical and/or mental condition to be their tour-guide, as I had anticipated.

Gonna post this and then probably crash early so I can be ready for company tomorrow.


Yesterday’s mileage==>1.66 miles (or, 3,628 steps)

Billi Pod
“Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.

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