BREAKING NEWS==>another Spider-Man injury: “...Spider-Man’s stunt double fell about 30 feet into the orchestra pit during the closing minutes of the show last night and was rushed to a hospital...” Oh the drama!!
There is a great article in Gawker that sets forth all of the reasons why the show should be immediately closed. It is well worth the time, so read it ...
It is my understanding that Actor’s Equity has stepped in and shut down performances until the “safety” issues are resolved. Stay tuned ...
On to other stuff -- just got back from having brunch/lunch with Scott Reed and we touched a lot of bases. Tons of good things are going on in his life right now and he is about to start on a new adventure beginning in January ... so stay tuned my loyal and faithful readers.

Tonight’s entertainment event:
7:30==>ANGELS IN AMERICA-Millennium Approaches. This critically acclaimed revival of the Pulitzer Prize winning two-part drama is set in late 1985 and early 1986, as the first wave of the AIDS epidemic in America is escalating and Ronald Reagan has been elected to a second term in the White House. It is playing at The Signature Theatre, 1 1/2 blocks from PHC, and the running time is 3 hours.
I will see the second part, Perestroika, tomorrow night and it also starts at 7:30pm and clocks in at 3:40.
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