Let me share with you once again why I am so taken with living in The Greatest City in the World. What I am about to describe may seen trivial to some of you, or even perhaps, all of you, but what it does is partially explain why Billi Pod is so smitten with this city.
As you know, my regular drug store, Rite Aid, was damaged when the crane collapsed up the block in March. It has not reopened meaning that my nearest Rite Aid store is at the corner of 30th Street and 2nd Avenue, exactly one mile away. I needed to go there today to pick up my monthly meds refills. Also, I needed to go up to Lincoln Center to exchange one of my New York Philharmonic concerts that is scheduled for the timeframe I will be in Orlando with Bill.
Monday and Tuesday were extremely hot days, in the upper 90s, but last night rain came so the temperatures this morning were in the 70s. I decided to walk down to the drug store rather than bus or subway it. Dressed in a T-shirt, shorts, a messenger bag with water, and my iPhone and Nano, off I went at about 11:30.
It felt great and I felt great. I determined to walk at a leisurely pace rather than my usual ... "hey, get the fuck out of my way - I am more important than you" ... NYC pace. I headed south and there was a very nice breeze hitting me in the back. Lots up suit-people walking around talking on their cellphones.
It took me a bit over 20 minutes to get to the drug store. Picked up the meds, thanking my Higher Power again that I am fortunate enough to have a good prescription drug plan.
Then I walked over to Park Avenue and picked up the northbound 6 train at the 28th Street station. I got off at Grand Central (42nd Street) and walked to the Shuttle to Times Square where I got on the North bound 1 train that delivered me in 3 stops to Lincoln Center.
One very nice thing about being a New York Philharmonic season subscriber is that they have a very generous exchange policy and really go out of their way to accommodate requests. I was able to change my ticket to the 8:00pm Saturday performance, which is a staged-concert production of Puccini’s Tosca.
It was about 1:00pm when I got my ticket. I knew I was going walk back to the apartment, so I headed over to Central Park and slowly strolled through it, down to the 59th Street entrance. It was so pleasant inside the Park with lots and lots of kids and families. I stopped several times and I took several pictures, two of which are at the top of this post.
The picture of people laying out in the sun is the area where I use to go to catch rays until I decided that I had tempted fate once too often and took sunning off of my to-do list. A wise decision on my part I am certain.
It was about 2:30 when I got back to the apartment. I calculate that I had walked about 4 1/2 miles. I immediately went online because I needed to schedule something for Thursday and Friday nights. Within 10 minutes I had booked these two Off-Broadway shows:
For Thursday - A Perfect Couple - “A Perfect Couple is about three best friends and their young next door neighbor. Over a long summer weekend in the country, secrets are revealed and bonds are tested, forcing these friends to discover who they are now, versus who they thought they would become.” I think this is the first preview performance (complimentary ticket).
For Friday - The Bully Pulpit - “The Bully Pulpit, a new play about the extraordinary life and turbulent times of Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, our 26th president. The solo performance is written and performed by Michael O. Smith, and directed by Byam Stevens. The year is 1918. The scene is in Sagamore Hill, New York, Roosevelt's beloved home. Ten years out of office and coming to grips with his legacy, The Bully Pulpit takes the audience on a passionate journey behind Teddy's gruff exterior into the complex persona of a true American legend.” This show has been running for some time and received uniformly good reviews (complimentary ticket).
So, my dear cyberspace friends, this is what the remainder of the week is:
Wednesday - 8:00 - New York Philharmonic Orchestra @ Carnegie Hall - Orchestrations from Wagner’s The Ring Cycle (full price ticket)
Thursday - noon - lunch with student/bartender/manager Scott Reed; 8:00 - A Perfect Couple
Friday - 8:00 - The Bully Pulpit
Saturday - 8:00 - New York Philharmonic Orchestra @ Lincoln Center - Puccini’s Tosca.
Tonight after the Carnegie Hall concert I am sure I will walk back to the apartment while listening to the Yankees/Oakland game, which starts at 8:00.
Yep, this is why I am here.
Go Yankees!!
Billi Pod
This is why I love the SOUTH.
I woke this morning to a cup of Joe, like I do every morning. I then walked outside to the laughter of the sun as it dumped a ridiculous amount of heat on to my half asleep body while it dried my puppies shit before he could make it back to the deck. And by the way, I left the shit right the fuck there until "I" fucking decide to pick it up or not!!
The rest of the day was great as it was filled with driving on non-congested roadways, not seeing another sole for several hours(while I was outside), listening to country fucking music and southern rock as I worked in my garage. I will now get off of my ventures from today, and tell you my next few days agenda.
Thursday I will be seeing the Zohan flick with my mother. Then guitar lessons on theory with a friend of mine. I can play, but I do not know how it all ties in together.
Friday I will teach my wife how to operate the riding lawnmower. I have to teach her because I will be in fucking Arizona in JULY for 5 weeks starting the 23rd of this month. It being the hottest part of the year for that region is the reason I am so excited. Yeah!!
Saturday I will go to the lake and fish. Followed by relaxing on the water.
This is for you Billi Pod a.k.a. chrome dome a.k.a. granddad. I had to respond with a long comment, which tied into my next few days agenda. Take it sleazy and keep it on the 1st floor!!
Well, Lex, it seems to me that you may be a bit upset because I am obviously spending your inheritance as I maintain my fabulous life-style in The Big Apple. Also, I plan to live until I am at least 104 years old ... sorry 'bout that.
But, I still love ya lots and lots.
Billi Pod aka Granddaddy
Inheritance, I thought that that was burned off years ago and all U are working off of is playing in the subways of NYC. I will get back to all of you guys on life in Sleesburg. Peace, Topher
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