Well, my loyal and faithful readers out there in the morass known as cyberspace ... I have just returned from my annual session with my cardiologist (and FaceBook friend), Dr. Fred Feuerbach, who saved my life back in July 2001, and I am happy to give you this report, in Dr. Fred’s handwriting:
“Chronic Atrial Fibrillation. Doing very very well. Lab work is stable. No changes in medications. BP 112/70. Wt. 178lbs. Routine followup in 6 months.”
And ....my response is==>Whew!! THANK YOU HIGHER POWER!!
In the name of fair and unbiased reporting, I have to admit to being emotionally drained when I finally got back to the apartment. For whatever reason I had built up a dark foreboding about this session, for no good reason because I hadn’t been experiencing any problems or anything like that. I honestly think part of it may have been a subconscious response/reaction to my recent class reunion where most, it not all, of my classmates in attendance had experienced, or where experiencing serious health problems/issues ...
Anyway ... the bottom line is that Billi Pod is in excellent physical condition for someone approaching his 78th birthday and Dr. Fred attributes a lot of it to my active lifestyle here in The Big Apple, The Greatest City In The World. I always give him a copy of my annual activity report and he always says he is impressed with the raw numbers.
OK ... now that is out of the way ... on to other things like ...
Billi Pod’s report cards on yesterday’s awesome doubleheader ...
OTHER DESERT CITIES, the award winning drama about the lefty daughter of GOP-operative parents who wants to blow the lid off a dirty family secret in a soon-to-be-published memoir==>A.
The incredible cast, led by Stockhard Channing, keeps you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. The show is extremely thought-provoking, and a hint from Billi Pod==>don’t rush to judgment about any of the characters and/or issues.
Channing is will be out of the production from March 13th through April 6th. She will be filming an ABC pilot. Regardless ... this is a must-see show.
After the show I had time for a quick snack, the usual fruit and cheese, and then it was time to head over to The Mint Theatre, in my 'hood, for the 7:00 performance of ...

RUTHERFORD & SON, a drama set in 1912 about a power struggle between an unloved Northern England industrialist and his oldest son==>B+.
OK, right up front ... I had problems at first with the Northern England accents but, thankfully, my ears finally got attuned to most of the characters.
The show starts off kinda slowly but things pick up when the father makes his entrance and things move quickly (sometimes a bit too quickly) from that point on. The engrossing story line made the 2 hour 40 minute (two intermissions) running time tolerable.
I have no problem recommending this show.
Yes, the “dysfunctional family” doubleheader was very emotionally draining but it was great theater and that is what makes it all worthwhile.
And speaking of being emotionally drained ... as I am finishing this posting it is 3:30pm and I have to admit that I am still experiencing some emotions about the favorable results from my cardio. session.
So far nothing that interests me has shown up on any of my ticket services, and, one thing for certain ... I am not, repeat, not in the mood for heavy drama and/or more dysfunctional families.

So ... unless something unexpected shows up ... this is what Billi Pod will see tonight ...
PROJECT X - “A ‘gross-out’ movie about a loser teenager’s birthday party that spirals out of control.”
Reviews are highly mixed and it has been called a combination of “Superbad” and “The Hangover.”
Oh yeah ... this is just what Billi Pod needs for tonight ... hey ... don’t judge me ... OK?
Really ... think about it!
Billi Pod
“Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.”
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