OMG my loyal and faithful readers! What a super-awesome Friday it was for Billi Pod==>Terrific weather, his 21st AA birthday, a great AA meeting, two blog postings, and then a mind-blowing entertainment event.
Yes, THE BOOK OF MORMON earns an A++. It is funny and smart and vulgar and offensive and beautifully put together. All the things I like.
This is no joke==>I was seated among a group of about ten 50s males and females, who identified themselves as “ex-Mormons.” They found the show to be roaringly funny.
Folks, this is gonna be a mega-hit so if you are in the NYC area you better get your tickets now because once it officially opens it will be a hot-ticket show, without a doubt.
I have to say that this theater season is about 200% better than last year and I have been so lucky to have seen, so far, what I believe will be 3 of the season’s blockbusters==>HOW TO SUCCEED; PRISCILLA; and, MORMON. And, I still have CATCH ME IF YOU CAN on my schedule for March 29th.

Today is yet another Billi Pod doubleheader --
2:00==>THE MOTHERF**KER WITH THE HAT - “This razor-tongued verbal cage-match about unadulterated love and uncontrolled adultery stars Chris Rock, making his Broadway debut.” (Broadway - discounted TDF ticket).
This show has a limited 15-week run and so far the advance buzz has been mixed.
I have a gut feeling that it will be in the "love it or hate" it category.
Then tonight is --

8:00==>THREE MEN ON A HORSE - “When hen-pecked greeting-card writer Erwin’s extraordinary talent for predicting the winners of horse races is discovered by a pack of gamblers, he suddenly finds himself in deep horses**t.” (Off-Broadway - discounted TDF ticket).
This is playing at a theater on my block and is in early previews.
Again, my loyal and faithful readers, I want to say THANK YOU to everyone out there who took the time to email, post, text me regarding my AA birthday. You have no idea how much it meant to me.
I do want to briefly respond to an inquiry about why I don’t write about my AA activities. It is very simple folks and basic ... AA stands for Alcoholics ANONYMOUS ... and what happens at meetings and stuff stays within the 4 walls of the meeting room. I will report to you that I usually attend 2 12:30pm meetings a week at the Citicorp Building on the Eastside, alternating Monday and Wednesday with Tuesday and Thursday. ‘Nuff said.
Billi Pod
“Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.”
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