Sunday, January 3, 2010

University of Florida Zombie Attack Preparedness Manual

Good morning my loyal and faithful readers. I have just received one of the most important emails of the new decade from Jeff Reddout, of Imperial Polk County, FL. I am compelled to share it with you ASAP so you can become prepared for the battles that face the human race in the coming years. The threat no one wants to talk about is real. I have no doubt about the authenticity of this material since it was produced by my alma mater, The University of Florida. This is the email in its entirety --


Zombie Attack Preparedness Manual

Done by the University of Florida, this one is quite detailed and has many links to scholarly references from Harvard, Stanford, and Syracuse Universities (among others) and even includes forms to fill out if you need to kill one of your co-workers who has become zombified or is exhibiting symptoms of zombie behavior spectrum disorder (ZBSD) (see especially the "Infected Co-worker Dispatch Form" on pages 5 and 6).

The discussion of whether or not the viruses in "28 Days Later" or "I Am Legend" actually turned people into zombies is very informative and thought-provoking.

Make sure to follow up on some of the great links including this one, a statement from the Boston Police:


To fully understand the depth of the threat and what we, the human race, must do to protect ourselves, you MUST click on both of the links above - YOU MUST!!

Thank you Jeff and thank you University of Florida for this and for giving the World Gatorade, Tim Tebow, Billy Ball, Billi Pod, and Gator Growl.

Go Gators!!

Billi Pod

“Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.”

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